Sure, as musicians,
we all need to practice. But, how do we
get the most out of our rehearsal time?
Use these eight tips to find a way to make your practice time more
efficient and effective.
1. 1. Listen to the recording. Find a recording
to the piece you are practicing. With
the advent of the Internet, this is easier than ever. Often a good recording is just a simple
Youtube search away. When you listen to a recording, have your part out and
follow your line. Can you sing along
with the recording? Even better. Once the technique is there you may even want
to play along. First time through a
recording, I listen with no score. Then,
I listen with my score out and be sure I can follow everything that's going
on. Then, I listen one more time,
singing parts along and marking what looks like it will be scary. When I'm rehearsing an individual part, I try
to mark cues for entrances (oh! Trumpets
come in at Bar 18, and I enter in 20!) That's easier than counting endless bars
of rests, lets you find places to jump back on if you're lost and also lets you
see how your part fits in with others.
Also good to note- are unisons or choirs: I see, the clarinets oboes and flutes have a
nice trio at letter D. Oh, it's just
piccolo and tuba at four after L. Mark
these in your parts and you'll be armed with much more than letters and numbers
to navigate. It's kind of like using
Google Maps street view rather than someone telling you that their house is
located at Longitude 42.5 degrees West and 24.6 degrees North. Sure, perhaps you can find that spot, but it
won't be easy! Giving yourself landmarks
is vital.
- Break
it up! Everyone encounters a
nasty run of notes at some point.
Maybe they are eights or sixteenths or sixty-forth notes. And they probably have the worst
possible fingerings in a sequence you can imagine. You think, I'll never be able to play
that like Belinda does!
She's an experienced kazoo player with decades of experience in
professional groups! Woe is
me! Well, you can. Break it into smaller groups. For example, let’s say that you have a
run of notes such as G F# E D C B A.
They come at you fast, and can be tricky. First, I would practice them G-F, rest,
E-D, rest, CBA. Then smile that
you've done it right, and do it again.
Then perhaps play GFE, rest, EDC rest BA. Smile and repeat. Then GF, rest, EDCBA. Etc.
Try varying combinations of notes 2 or 3 at a time (and later 4 or
5). Then put them back
together. Eventually it's G F# E D
C B A. For long 15-bar solos, do a
bar or two at a time. Then link
them into 3 or 4 bar groups, and then do it all together after the parts
are solid.
- Play
under tempo. If a passage is
hard, find a tempo you can play it at.
Sure, we may be going quarter=356 in rehearsal and the place you can
play it comfortably is quarter = 10 because it's really hard. That's fine. Play it at quarter = 10 once. Then do it six more times. If you make a mistake, add three
more. (Yes, this one is tedious,
but it works!) Once you can play it several times at that tempo and it's
comfortable, smile, give yourself a treat, congratulate yourself, etc. and
kick up the tempo slightly.
Do it again. Six times at
this tempo and you're good. If you
make a mistake more than twice in a repetition, go back to the previous
tempo to make sure that one is solid.
Repeat until at tempo. But
wait-- won't that take about 300 times through for some of these bars? It might. But if it's just one bar then that
should only take about four or five minutes. Yes, this is time consuming and can be
tedious. Only use this one for your
most difficult runs and passages, unless you have nothing else to do and
lots of patience. But do use it for
the toughest bits. (Music students
often call this wood-shedding and will spend lots of hours with this
technique over their careers-- or they should be.) A word of encouragement with this one:
Any bar that you do this properly with, you will be able to play.
Period. Your muscle memory will
develop so well that your body will do it for you eventually and you will
delight at how smoothly that bar went in rehearsal and probably ten years
from now would be able to perform the same passage with only a glance at
the page even if you haven't touched it in forever.
- Play
things you enjoy. Start off
each time you practice or warm up, and even more importantly-- finish your
playing sessions with something you enjoy playing and that you feel
comfortable doing so. Believe it or
not, on viola that's Frere Jaques or Ode to Joy for me. Every time. Thankfully, however, I’m a woodwind guy,
and not a violist. You always want
to remind yourself of what you do well, and be sure to have some fun while
practicing, even when the rest of your practice sessions may be really
hard or not have gone as well as you liked.
- Practice
time. If you have 15 minutes to
practice 5 days a week, that's great!
Try to do so. We all have
very busy lives-- but it is a proven fact that playing 15 minutes a day
will have a much greater impact than 3 hours all at once. If you have 30 minutes a day,
great. If your free time is in
blocks-- that is okay too. Mine
is. Practice 2-3 times a week for
however long you can. But don't do
it just once and then put your instrument away for the week. Your body needs to remember your
practice as much as your mind, and your body's memory is often going to
take more reinforcement for things than your brilliant brain.
- Practice
Smart. If you have 30 minutes
for rehearsal/practice time, don't play the easy stuff for 25 minutes and
then look briefly at the scary stuff that you don't want to think about. Instead, warm up for a few minutes, play
something you worked on last time to review, and then spend about 15
minutes on something really challenging. Spend 3 minutes on something new,
sight-reading, or something you haven't played in a while. Spend 4 minutes on something fun. (If you don't get distracted in between,
you probably have a few minutes extra.
Play something else fun!)
- Practice
Happy. Don't feel like
practicing today? Don't! But it's been three days and I feel
guilty? Still don't. When you force yourself to practice you
won't get anything done. Take the
day off, do something else you enjoy.
Do remind yourself the next day to practice, and perhaps at your next
session add more of something fun or something you enjoy. Or, just take out your instrument and
play through your favorite easy selections or sight-read a little. If you never feel like playing, then
think about why you play the instrument you do and what you like about it.
What pieces excite you? When you do
feel like practicing, however, be sure to make the time to do it and
reward yourself for doing so with music that you like as well as work hard
and the parts you don't.
- Practice
without your instrument. Put
the recordings of the music on your ipod, Zune, or burn a CD. Listen to them while you do the dishes,
relax in the bathtub, or drive/commute to work. On a 25 minute train ride? Whip out your scores and sing through
your parts in your head. Bored at
the bank while waiting in line?
Pick a piece from our rep and see if you can mentally sing through
it all the way and remember all of it beginning to end. Have some free time in front of a
computer? Google/Wikipedia Brahms
or Dvorak. Sitting in rehearsal
for five minutes while I work with that pesky kazoo section again on that
darned soli? Follow along in your
part as rehearsal fixes for them might apply somewhere else in the piece
for you, or try to figure out what your notes would be if we were playing
the piece in C# major, or whatever your favorite key is.
Music is
kind of like Amtrak or Greyhound, or the NYC Subway. It is a journey, and we're all heading
different places and started from different places, but we're together for this
leg of the trip and enjoying our time together on it. We may have different skills, abilities,
interests, and passion, but we're all here for the music and the
friendship. We're here because we like
playing our instrument, want to make friends, or want to learn something new. Some of us want to experience new repertory
or to keep our minds active. Some of us
want to network or to get new resources. your goals or motivation, you're here. Make the best of it by practicing as
effectively as you can.
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